Incremental changes from the initial release of 4.20.034* through the initial release of 4.20.035 are outlined below.
* Some of the changes listed were released as updates to earlier versions
See Features & Enhancements in PowerShift 4.20 for more about PowerShift 4.20.
The names of new programs are preceded by * (asterisk); the parenthetical code that follows each description is a tracking code (i.e., PDV1nnnn).
Reports return to the options screen (rather than exiting to the menu) if the ouptut file is open. (PDV10622)
A new feature automates refunding credit balance by creating an accounts payable invoice. In AR Adjustments Entry (RB), if the customer has a credit balance, the Refund in AP button enables you to specify a vendor to transfer the credit balance to. When the RB register is updated, an AP batch is created. (PDV10605)
Improved handling and better visibility of attachments sent with documents. In document history drills, the Att docs? field indicates if an attachment was output with a document; the Attchmts button (previously labeled Item docs) enables you to view the item-related documents and form-related attachments. (PDV10593)
Lookup programs are more efficient and provide additional search flexibility:
When you enter a "search for" value and click Lookup, records that start with that value are displayed. Previously, the "search for" value was a starting point and all records that followed were listed.
You can use date shortcuts as "search for" criteria.
The Sort by field label is now Lookup by to more accurately describe its function.
File output includes the workstation from which the change was made. (PDV10547)
The name/description was added to master file audit trail reports. (PDV10522)
Currency code is displayed in the list box; currency code and its description display on the detail screen. (PDV10594)
ABC class and inventory account code are new sort and selection options; the fields are included in file output. (PDV10632)
Added several fields to the list box: quantity inspected, quantity rejected, line completed and inspection flag. (PDV10584)
New Program option: Exclude 'Exclude from plan' items? (PDV10645)
The All button enables you to select/de-select all in Operation Selection (displayed when you click Chg oper). (PDV10598
Quantity on hand was added; the Scope for inventory quantities Program option determines the quantity displayed. (PDV10623)
Safety stock (from the manufacturing branch of the user's login branch) and quantity obligated (based on the Scope for inventory quantities Program option) were added. (PDV10655)
The ACH payment notification (sent when you click Email voucher and when vendors with Pmt notification? selected pay via ACH) has been reformatted to look like a "regular" email (i.e., with a salutation, contact information, and a list of invoices paid). (PDV10246)
Improvements in handling freight and miscellaneous charges:
Estimated freight and miscellaneous charges were added to the totals box that displays on the header screen.
The miscellaneous charge code dropdown (accessed when you click Totals then Misc charges) includes the notation recalc if the amount is recalculated when the order is changed.
Drills have been improved with Order and Shipment replacing the Header and Detail buttons:
The action of the Order button depends on the order type. It drills to:
Material Usage Inquiry (MUQ) if a manufacturing order.
Vendor Shipment Confirmation Inquiry (VSCQ) if a vendor shipment.
Sales Order Line Inquiry (OIQ) if a sales order.
Branch Transfer Maintenance (ITM) if a transfer.
The Shipment button drills to Shipment by Order Inquiry (OSSQ).
Detail, a stacked button with Header and Line options, replaced the Lines button. (PDV10489)
Improvements in handling freight and miscellaneous charges:
Estimated freight and miscellaneous charges were added to the totals box that displays on the header screen.
The miscellaneous charge code dropdown (accessed when you click Totals then Misc charges) includes the notation recalc if the amount is recalculated when the order is changed.
Clicking no at the prompt to distribute a remaining balance returns to the list of payments. (PDV10586)
Improvements in handling freight and miscellaneous charges:
Estimated freight and miscellaneous charges were added to the totals box that displays on the header screen.
The miscellaneous charge code dropdown (accessed when you click Totals then Misc charges) includes the notation recalc if the amount is recalculated when the order is changed.
Improvements in handling freight and miscellaneous charges:
Estimated freight and miscellaneous charges were added to the totals box that displays on the header screen.
The miscellaneous charge code dropdown (accessed when you click Totals then Misc charges) includes the notation recalc if the amount is recalculated when the order is changed.
Added selection by payment date to the payment number lookup. (PDV10570)
Added several fields to the list of reversals in the current batch. (PDV10578)
Added a column to show how many compliant manufacturers there are for each item since the printed listing can only show 5 and file output is limited to 7. (PDV10553)
Removed Purchase branch selection option (was redundant with Branch or Branch grp). Added "Line added" selection to limit report to PO lines added in the specified date range. Line added prints on detail report to file only. Added line discount, tax, and net amount columns and improved alignment of totals in detailed file output. (PDV10588)
Vendor Shipment Confirmation Inquiry (VSCQ) is a display-only version of Vendor Shipment Maintenance (VSCM). (PDV10489)
Improved file output so that totals are aligned with the appropriate columns. (PDV10577)
Work center and machine are new sort and selection options; the fields are included in file output. (PDV10620)
Added transaction date to file output. (PDV10638)
Manufacturing Options:
Mfg default receiving warehouse and Mfg default receiving bin were was added for situations in which manufacturing goods are received to a temporary location (like a dock area or an inspection area) and moved to a final stocking location later. (PDV10636)
Purchasing Options:
Purchasing default receiving warehouse and Purchasing default receiving bin were was added for situations in which purchased goods are received to a temporary location (like a dock area or an inspection area) and moved to a final stocking location later. (PDV10636)
RF Program Options:
Default locations (i.e., PO receipt whse, PO receipt bin, Mfg receipt default whse, Mfg receipt default bin) for receiving are now specified in Manufacturing Options and Purchasing Options. (PDV10636)
See also New System Options.