System options added or changed since PowerShift since Release 4.10.028 are described below.
The parenthetical code that follows each description is a tracking code: PDEVnnnn and PDV1nnnn are the notations for 4.20; P410nnnn indicates the change was also available as an update to PowerShift 4.10.028. The tracking code is followed by the 4.20 update in which the change became available.
Accrue landed costs? was added to support enhanced landed cost reporting. (PDEV6899) 4.20.016
The Default alt pmt date to discount/due option was expanded for additional flexibility. (PDEV5736) 4.20.016
The Payment notification device must be email (device type L Email) with 6 HTML in body of the email selected as the Email attachment format in Output Device Maintenance (XDM). (PDEV8439) 4.20.022
Sender's email for vouchers enables you to specify the "from" address for ACH payment notifications. (PDEV8439) 4.20.022
The AP invoice approvals active? option enables you to set up an approval process that requires one or more people to sign off on selected accounts payable invoices before they are paid. (PDEV3793) 4.20.025
AR Invoicing revenue branch determines whether the sales or shipping branch is used in revenue posting. The shipping branch is used by default.(PDEV7949) 4.20.018
Repetitive billing category required? and Use qty to calculate RBS billing amount? were added to support repetitive billing enhancements. (PDEV8350) 4.20.020
Selecting Clear unused deposits for closed order? removes unapplied deposits from orders that are otherwise closed when the AR Invoice Register (RR) is updated. (PDEV7045) 4.20.020
Added options to support credit card payment processing. (PDEV7106) 4.20.016
Added options to support the document search feature: Document search active and Document search package. (PDEV5863) 4.20.016
Drop file Interface options screens have been standardized. (PDEV7800) 4.20.018
Interface options (e.g., EDI, XML, Manifest) enable you to send log files, interface errors, and data errors to different email devices and user IDs. (PDEV8027) 4.20.019
EDI 850:
The Apply pricing surcharges? option determines whether or not surcharges are applied to EDI prices. You can specify the setting by customer in EDI Trading Partner Maintenance (TEDIPM). (PDEV6677) 4.20.016
The Reason code field label was changed to Reason for cancellation to better describe its function. (PDEV8668) 4.20.023
Apply pricing surcharges? was added to enable e-business support of surcharges. (PDEV7924) 4.20.018
The Other info button accesses a new screen with additional options. (PDEV8027) 4.20.019
Audit files directory and Journal files directory fields enable you to specify directories other than the data directory for audit trail and journal files. (PDEV6717) 4.20.016
Added Mobile App output device. (PDEV8676) 4.20.023
Native work directory and Native drop directory were added to support the drag and drop interface added to the GII, IMPORT and MAPIT programs. (PDEV8765) 4.20.025
A Custom modifier field was added. (PDEV9322) 4.20.028
Multiple sets of options can be saved for registers (e.g., you can use different options when a register is run by the PowerShift Job Scheduler than when the same register is run from the entry program). When you maintain a register, the Auto opt button accesses scheduling options. (PDEV6380) 4.20.016
Journal archive and viewing paths are relative to the Document archive path and Document viewing path specified in Help and Other Path Options. (PDEV9451) 4.20.029
The Imported documents path field label was changed to Native file document path. (PDEV8815) 4.20.025
These options customize field labels of several attributes in
Enterprise Item Maintenance (IM):
Field label for item 'size'
Field label for item 'material'
Field label for item 'style'
Field label for item 'color'
The default label (Size, Material, Style,
Color) is used if left blank.
Added Manually log off open job? (PDEV5971) 4.20.016
The Allow parent item change in MIM option controls whether or not you can change the item ordered on a manufacturing order. (PDEV6364) 4.20.016
The Use sales order no for mfg order enables manufacturing order(s) created for specific sales order demand to be numbered like the sales order. (PDEV7747) 4.20.017
The Allocate costs based on quantity picked? determines how costs of special purchase items (i.e., inventory and/or non-stocked items purchased for a manufacturing order) are allocated. (PDEV7672) 4.20.021
Mfg default receiving warehouse and Mfg default receiving bin were was added for situations in which manufacturing goods are received to a temporary location (like a dock area or an inspection area) and moved to a final stocking location later. (PDV10636) 4.20.035
The Create new mfg orders option controls whether or not a new order is created when a manufactured item is received and there are no open orders. (PDEV9365) 4.20.028
The Warn user if date not on shop calendar option can be set to force the expected ship date to be a work day per the shop calendar. (PDEV6329) 4.20.016
Allow obligation of supply was expanded with a selection that includes immediate supply items. (PDEV7909) 4.20.018
Default destination customer? was added to handle sales tax on orders sent to freight forwarders for shipment. (PDEV8151) 4.20.020
An options screen to set parameters for importing purchase orders was added. (PDEV6936, P4100704) 4.20.016
You can choose to have no default (i.e., 00.00) (or standard, actual or standard material) for the Default cost for POs/requisitions. (PDEV5913, P4100351) 4.20.016
The Auto confirmation of vendor shipments option enables better control of shipments to vendors. (PDEV7834) 4.20.018
Selecting Single receiver per line? creates a separate receiver for each PO line received. (PDEV8170) 4.20.020
Selecting Create separate replacement PO? creates a replacement purchase order in addition to a vendor shipment when a rejected PO receipt is returned for replacement. (PDEV8270) 4.20.020
Selecting Allow PO line close during receipt? enables Receiver Maintenance (IRC) operators to close a PO line when less than the ordered quantity is received. (PDEV8765) 4.20.025
Purchasing default receiving warehouse and Purchasing default receiving bin were was added for situations in which purchased goods are received to a temporary location (like a dock area or an inspection area) and moved to a final stocking location later. (PDV10636) 4.20.035
Selecting Serial range active? enables you to specify a "from" and "to" serial number in the [3] Serial/Tag program (on the RF Physical Inventory menu) to facilitate counting sequential serial numbers. (PDEV7373) 4.20.017
If you select Skip prompt in count entry?, Physical Count Entry (RFHCE) prompts for the next entry after you enter a non-zero count. If you enter 0, the Correct? Y/N/Void/Skip/Ref/eXit prompt is displayed. (PDEV8663) 4.20.023
Default locations (i.e., PO receipt whse, PO receipt bin, Mfg receipt default whse, Mfg receipt default bin) for receiving are now specified in Manufacturing Options and Purchasing Options. (PDV10636) 4.20.035
RMA Repair as replacement default sets the default value of the Use for replace? field when an RMA line is added. (PDEV6421) 4.20.016