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PowerShift Enterprise System®
Copyright © 2025 Qantel Technologies, Inc.

QANTEL Proprietary

All or portions of this software, including the documentation therefor, are the unpublished, copyrighted, trade secret, confidential, and proprietary property of Qantel Technologies, Inc. and are furnished under a license and may be used, copied, or disclosed only in accordance with the terms of such license and with the inclusion of this notice. All rights reserved.

In accordance with the policy of Qantel Technologies, Inc. to continually enhance its products, the information in this document and the products described in this document may be changed at any time without notice.

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PowerShift Enterprise System®, QANTEL®, QICBASIC®, QIC-PC®, and QICWARE® are registered trademarks and QICLOOK™ and QICRT™ are  trademarks of Qantel Technologies, Inc. QMRP® is a registered trademark licensed exclusively to Qantel Technologies, Inc.

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