Incremental changes from the initial release of 4.20.026* through the initial release of 4.20.028 are outlined below.
* Some of the changes listed were released as updates to earlier versions
See Features & Enhancements in PowerShift 4.20 for more about PowerShift 4.20.
The names of new programs are preceded by * (asterisk); the parenthetical code that follows each description is a tracking code: PDEVnnnn is the notation for 4.20.
Support for CON (consumables) transactions was added. (PDEV9196)
An MES package option controls whether or not a new order is created when a manufactured item is received and there are no open orders. (PDEV9365)
To accommodate new apps, the Sales Order Processing (O) menu was split into Sales Order Inquiries & Reports (O) and Order Entry & Maintenance (O7). (PDEV9481)
Reports Manufacturing Order Master (MP2) audit trail data with options for monitoring specific fields and types of changes. (PDEV9197)
Reports Sales Order Header and Line (O1A and O1) audit trail data with options for monitoring specific fields and types of changes. (PDEV9262)
Reports Purchase Order Header and Line (VP1 and VP1B) audit trail data with options for monitoring specific fields and types of changes. (PDEV9262)
Reports Sales Order Header and Line (O1A and O1) audit trail data with options for monitoring specific fields and types of changes. (PDEV9262)
Prints Economic Operators' Registration and Identification (EORI) number (specified by branch in TBM) if the branch's country is different from the ship-to country. (PDEV9221)
Messages from the interface have been improved to better identify the files that were processed. (PDEV9181)
A semicolon delimiter was added to separate fields when you select Print address on one line? and output to a printer. (PDEV9235)
A field to enter Legal business name (i.e., the name used in box 1 of IRS Form W-9) was added. If left blank, the name specified with the customer's address is assumed to be the legal business name. (PDEV9318)
Added the current open amount and the balance as of the last closed period to the accounts list. (PDEV9301)
Remarks entered in Physical Count Entry (HCE/RFHCE) are written to the Reference field in the Material History (MH) file. (PDEV9245)
Notes can be entered for issue and adjustment lines. (PDEV9228)
The new Notes button enables you to view and maintain notes for issues and adjustments. (PDEV9210)
Moves closed MRB tags created by the Move Inventory to MRB (IMRB) program to history. (PDEV9117)
Default to Modify mode? and Default qty to receive? (maintained in User Options Maintenance - UOPT) were added for PO line selection (BRPOL) in Receiver Maintenance. (PDEV9444)
The PO, line, item, description, ordered and received quantities are displayed in the Modify popup. (PDEV9444)
When receiving manufactured items without specifying a manufacturing order (the Mfg item button), you can enter the item number or its Universal/Uniform Product Code or the Global Trade Identification Number (UPC/GTIN specified in Enterprise Item Maintenance). (PDEV9448)
A check mark in the Compl? column of the receiver lines list box indicates the line is complete. (PDEV9291)
Added selection by requisition type. (PDEV9221)
An Audit button was added to the closed requisition detail display. (PDEV9222)
A number of fields were added so that the print history of item documents (set up in IMDOC) is completely recorded. (PDEV9101)
Added item status to the report. (PDEV9503)
Displays a summary of the job streams set up in Job Schedule Maintenance (JOBS). (PDEV6396)
Allows component picking similar to MUA, but doesn't allow component requirements to be changed. A UOPT option controls whether or not over-picking is allowed. (PDEV9314, 9400)
Added a column for receipt cost (Quantity received x PO unit cost) to the Matl/OS drill. (PDEV9326)
Displays the requirements for a specified number of kits against current supplies of components. (PDEV8559)
Records can be added or changed in MOQCM; previously entry was only allowed through the WIP Movement (WIPM) program. (PDEV9141)
Added a button that drills to Single-Level BOM Inquiry (MPI). (PDEV9148)
MOQCM's intitial prompt is now for a control number to be scanned (consistent with MOQC). (PDEV9161)
The program no longer prompts to "Save record?" when a repair is applied. (PDEV9161)
New lookups facilitate failure reporting. (PDEV9141, 9166)
A Time to repair field was added; it is included in the QC Detail Report. (PDEV9486)
The Parent item and ECL selection is a lookup-only field enables you to choose the parent item number and its ECL in a single lookup. To clear the selected parent and ECL, click the lookup icon then click Cancel. (PDEV9248)
Added sort and selection by status; added first pass flag, operation sequence and operation code to file output. (PDEV9183)
Added an option to include history. (PDEV9308)
When an order with nothing to pick is selected, the order status is set to "in process". (PDEV9136)
Added sort and selection by 1099 type; added the vendor's legal business name to the report. (PDEV9410)
AP Paid Status Maintenance (NPC) is no longer available; it is replaced by AP Paid Status Close (NPX) and AP Paid Status Open (NPXO). (PDEV9270)
AP status of selected lines is updated to "paid" when you click Process. If inventory is interfaced to general ledger, the register runs immediately after lines are processed. (PDEV9270)
New app enables you to reset a PO line's AP status from "paid" to "unpaid". (PDEV9270)
If an order is released from credit hold and an order line is subsequently split into multiple lines, the credit check is skipped if the value of the order is unchanged. (PDEV8806)
The item number is no longer printed for each serial number in a configured item's "consists of" list. (PDEV9151)
Similar to the On-Time Shipment Report (OAL), but includes the value of shipments. (PDEV9220)
Lists contracts with options to limit by customer, item, effective dates and more. (PDEV9306)
The list box is populated when you select a type of hierarchy; you no longer have to click OK. (PDEV9205)
The list box includes columns for the item's product class and price class when item group ITEM is in the hierarchy. (PDEV9431)
Added Imported document reference as a Program option; if you specify one, the purge is limited to that one. (PDEV9293)
If the document is a customer statement (printed by RS) or an imported document with a reference specified, the date in detail records is used in determining whether or not they are purged. (PDEV9292)
Price class and product class was added to the display. (PDEV9432)
RFIRCPO supports the single receiver per line system option. (PDEV9353)
Closes multiple sales order lines based criteria you specify. (PDEV8764)
Added EORI (Economic Operators' Registration and Identification) number (required for importing and exporting goods within the European Union). (PDEV9276)
Selecting Ship via acct req causes order entry (OE, QOE, RMA) to require a ship via account when the freight code is used. (PDEV9225)
In addition to sales, purchase and/or manufacturing orders, a new setting restricts inventory adjustments. (PDEV7075)
A 40-character reference field was added. The reference is included when compliant manufacturers are printed on POs. (PDEV9251)
A field to enter Legal business name (i.e., the name used in box 1 of IRS Form W-9) was added. If entered, it is printed on 1099s. (PDEV9341)
Added vendor lead time and a surcharge indicator to the initial display. (PDEV9160, 9456)
The reference (entered in Item/Manufacturer Item Maintenance - VGMI) is included when compliant manufacturers are printed on POs. (PDEV9251)
Added sort and selection by purchase order type. (PDEV9126)
A non-stock indicator to the initial display. (PDEV9354)
Includes reversals if the date reversed is in the specified date range; date reversed was added to the report. (PDEV9030)
Added vendor name to file output. (PDEV9172)
Added a column to display the quantity to send. (PDEV9214)
Notes entered in Item/Manufacturer Item Maintenance (VGMI) can be transferred to PO lines using new custom program SMFGIC. (PDEV9249)
A new option enables you to restrict access to notes. (PDEV9226)
Enterprise Options:
A Custom modifier field was added. (PDEV9322)
GL Journal Options:
The Archive path name and Viewing path are relative to the system Document archive path and Document viewing path specified in Help and Other Path Options. (PDEV9451)
Manufacturing Execution System Options:
The Create new mfg orders option controls whether or not a new order is created when a manufactured item is received and there are no open orders. (PDEV9365)
See also New System Options.
Fields were added to support the running of custom programs on the Mobile App. (PDEV9307)