The PowerShift 4.20.026 Update

Incremental changes from the initial release of 4.20.025* through the initial release of 4.20.026 are outlined below.

* Some of the changes listed were released as updates to earlier versions

See Features & Enhancements in PowerShift 4.20 for more about PowerShift 4.20.

The names of new programs are preceded by * (asterisk); the parenthetical code that follows each description is a tracking code: PDEVnnnn is the notation for 4.20; P410nnnn indicates the change was also available as an update to PowerShift 4.10.028.

Archive & Purge Programs

Programs with these improvements include:




CCR: Customer Credit Report

GMM: GL Account Maintenance

IMRB: Move Inventory to MRB

ITM: Branch Transfer Maintenance

ITSQ: Branch Transfer Inquiry

MOP: Planned Order Maintenance

N99P: 1099 Print

NCP: Print Checks/Process Payments

OE/OQ: Sales Order Maintenance/Inquiry

OIQ: Sales Order Line Inquiry

QOE/QOQ: EDI Order/Sales Quote Maintenance/Inquiry

RBM: Repetitive Billing Maintenance/Inquiry

RMA/RMAQ: RMA Maintenance/Inquiry

RMASQ: RMA Status Inquiry

RMAX: RMA Archive

RR: AR Invoice Register

RTSP: Print Vendor Shipment

TIMT: Material Type Codes Maintenance

TIST: Style Codes Maintenance

TISZ: Size Codes Maintenance

UIM/UIQ: User Maintenance/Inquiry

UOPT: User Options Maintenance

WCO: Work Center Operations


WOS: Release Outside Services

XM: System Options Maintenance