Incremental changes from the initial release of 4.20.024* through the initial release of 4.20.025 are outlined below.
* Some of the changes listed were released as updates to earlier versions
See Features & Enhancements in PowerShift 4.20 for more about PowerShift 4.20.
The names of new programs are preceded by * (asterisk); the parenthetical code that follows each description is a tracking code: PDEVnnnn is the notation for 4.20; P410nnnn indicates the change was also available as an update to PowerShift 4.10.028.
A advisory message in many archive and purge programs (CCRX, GLTX, ICRX, ICX, LTEX, MHPRG, NEX, OEX, PCX, PDX, REX, RMAX, SCEX, TEX, VEX, and WEX) must be acknowledged before you can proceed. (PDEV1769)
Displays the approval details for a specific vendor invoice. (PDEV3973)
Lists accounts payable invoices and their approval status. (PDEV3973)
A new feature enables you to import a file from your PC or network using a drag-and-drop interface. (PDEV8830)
A new feature enables you to import a file from your PC or network using a drag-and-drop interface. (PDEV8830)
Provides a list of items that are projected to be short given current supply, demand, and commitments. (PDEV8714)
A new feature enables you to import a file from your PC or network using a drag-and-drop interface. (PDEV8830)
Supply Order Inquiry, accessible from Manufacturing Order Maintenance (MIM), Material Usage Maintenance (MUA), Material Usage Inquiry (MUQ) and WIP Order Inquiry (WIQ), now has columns for quantity rejected and quantity received to stock. The Qty requested heading was changed to Qty ordered for consistency. (PDEV8545)
Improved the drill displayed when you click Matl/OS:
Columns for quantity rejected and quantity received to stock were added.
Clicking MRB drills to details if there were rejects against a line.
A report version of Order Line Detail Inquiry (OLDQ) that can be automated through the PowerShift Job Scheduler. (PDEV8779)
When the sales tax interface is active, an additional line is printed in the totals section if the order is subject to the Colorado Retail Delivery Fee. (PDEV8750)
With the Other processes are active and may be damaged by a shutdown; continue? message displayed, you can run *PI on another screen and enter VIEW lognnnnn (where nnnnn is the partition running SHUTDOWN) to list which processes are active. (PDEV8854)
Closes multiple PO lines based criteria you specify. (PDEV8604)
Accounts Payable Options:
The AP invoice approvals active? option enables you to set up an approval process that requires one or more people to sign off on selected accounts payable invoices before they are paid. (PDEV3793)
Enterprise Options:
Native work directory and Native drop directory were added to support the drag and drop interface added to the GII, IMPORT and MAPIT programs. (PDEV8765)
Help and Other Path Options:
The Imported documents path field label was changed to Native file document path. (PDEV8815)
Purchasing Options:
Selecting Allow PO line close during receipt? enables Receiver Maintenance (IRC) operators to close a PO line when less than the ordered quantity is received. (PDEV8765)
See also New System Options.
The Next and Previous functions could erroneously prompt to delete posting accounts. This has been corrected. (PDEV8840)