See the details.
You can sort on any displayed field(s) in inquiries and you can set different sort fields for summary and detail displays.
Specifying sort order has been simplified in most inquiries
The Selection tab is displayed when you enter program options
The option screen is always displayed before a report runs
Drills and line-related functions are immediately accessible (i.e., you don’t have to click a long bar to get to them).
You can double-click anywhere on a line to select it (i.e., you don’t have to move the cursor to the Sel column).
You can resort data by clicking on a column heading, reorganize the screen by moving columns around, and change column widths.
No more Restart at button: just enter the starting characters and click Refresh.
Lots more sort-by fields – and all offer a descending option. Refresh displays with sort-by field listed first.
More processes can be run by the PowerShift Job Scheduler
(JOBS), including:
- EIS Calculations (EMX)
- Capacity Requirements Planning (MCP)
- Standard Cost Rollup (MCR)
- Accumulated Lead Time Calculation (MLT)
- Priority Dispatch Report (MPD)
You can save multiple sets of options for registers so that different options can be used when a register is run by the job scheduler than when the same register is run from the entry program.
Wherever Item is prompted by the RF programs, you can scan the item's barcode for package, master pack or pallet.
The Consolidated Picking List Print (MSPK) optionally prints barcoded component item numbers.
Print Vendor Shipment (RTSP) optionally prints barcoded order/shipment number.
* from your database