Incremental changes from the initial release of 4.20.033* through the initial release of 4.20.034 are outlined below.
* Some of the changes listed were released as updates to earlier versions
See Features & Enhancements in PowerShift 4.20 for more about PowerShift 4.20.
The names of new programs are preceded by * (asterisk); the parenthetical code that follows each description is a tracking code (i.e., PDV1nnnn).
Issues with printing user fields on documents (e.g., orders, invoices, etc.) have been resolved. (PDV10377)
Added the last sale date to file output. (PDV10517)
Program options enable you to specify the default start and end dates. (PDV10460)
Added to file output: product class, product subclass, inventory account code, item status, buyer code and planner code. (PDV10461)
Added a jump to Inventory Status Inquiry (ISQ). (PDV10407)
Some drills launched by clicking Order were changed to be more appropriate to the type of transaction. (PDV10042)
Added a jump to Inventory Status Inquiry (ISQ). (PDV10510)
File output now includes hours, costs and variances. (PDV10401)
The current ECL displays near the date at the top of the screen. (PDV10467)
The current ECL displays near the date at the top of the component maintenance screen. (PDV10467)
Added current scrap percentage to the component list. (PDV10455)
Changed the Curr scr/loss% and Scrap/loss% field labels to Scrap % and Curr scrap %. (PDV10512)
The printed register print was changed landscape orientation with added space for easier reading. (PDV10515)
You can set up an RE-specific default (*) record; previously, the OE/QOE default record was used. (PDV10399)
Added buttons that drill to AR Inquiry (RA) and Payment History Inquiry (RPHQ). (PDV10462)
Order type and source were added to the display. (PDV10466)
Header and Line replace the RMA for consistency with Sales Order Line Inquiry (OIQ) and the handling of orders in history. (PDV10208)
New program option: Include supporting document numbers? (PDV10452)
Added order type and source type to the invoice list. (PDV10463)
Customer number is now displayed and it was added as a sort field. (PDV10500)
Similar to the Vendor Performance Report (VAL), but with options to limit the report by PO or invoice variance. (PDV10388)
Similar to the Vendor Performance Report (VAL), but with options to limit the report by days early or late. (PDV10388)
Similar to the Vendor Performance Report (VAL), but with options to limit the report by reject percentage. (PDV10388)
Added selection by planner (displayed in detail view). (PDV10494)
Similar to the Receiving Report (VRR) but with additional information and options specific to manufacturing order receipts. (PDV10346)