Note-ability: How-To Summary
A summary of functions:
Note Types
B: Before
P: Printable
N: Non-printable
0-9: Notes for document copies
In the Document Output Parameters Maintenance (TDOC), you can specify the note codes (0-9) to print on each copy of a document. For example, some notes you may want on the customer copy that is mailed, but not on their EDI copy.
Add Notes
- Click Notes.
- If notes are for an inventory item or customer, select the category of notes to enter.
- Click Add.
- If you need to change the sequence or note type, click the field or press Shift/Tab to move the cursor to it. Make the change and TAB to move the cursor to the Note field.
- Enter up to 50-characters of text and press Enter when done with the line. The program prompts for another line of notes. By default, the sequence is incremented and Type defaults to the previously entered line.
- Repeat steps 4 and 5 to add more note lines .
- Click Exit when you're finished adding note lines.
- Click Exit to close the notes window.
Change Notes
- Click Notes.
- If notes are for an inventory item or customer, select the category of notes to change.
- Click on the note line you want to change.
- Click Change.
- Update the note. To change the note Type, click the field or press Shift/Tab to move to it and make the change. Press Enter to accept the change and move to the next note sequence.
- Click Exit when you're finished changing note lines.
- Click Exit to close the notes window.
Delete Notes
- Click Notes.
- If notes are for an inventory item or customer, select the category of notes to delete.
- Click on the first line you want to delete.
- Click Delete.
- The sequence number of the line you clicked on is displayed as the From and To sequence number. To delete that line, click Delete. To delete a ramge of lines, lines, click the To sequence field, change it to the last note sequence you want to delete and then click Delete.
- If needed, repeat steps 3 through 5 to delete more lines of notes.
- Click Exit to close the notes window.
Merge Notes
Merge is only available if applicable generic notes are set up in Generic Notes Maintenance (TNOTES).
- Click Notes.
- Click the If notes are for an inventory item or customer, select the category of notes to merge.
- Click Merge.
- Click the Note description that you want to merge in and click OK.
- If needed, change the Starting sequence and Sequence increment. Click OK. The generic notes you selected are added.
- Click Exit to close the notes window.
Transfer Notes
Transfer is only available if applicable rules are set up to manually transfer notes in Note Transfer Parameters (XCMT).
- Click Notes.
- Click the If notes are for an inventory item or customer, select the category of notes to merge.
- Click Transfer.
- Click the Note description that you want to merge in and click OK.
- If needed, change the Starting sequence and Sequence increment. Click OK. The notes you selected are added.
- Click Exit to close the notes window.
Import Notes from the Windows Clipboard
- Click Notes.
- If notes are for an inventory item or customer, select the category of notes to copy.
- Before going to the next step, you need to have the text you want to paste into notes on your Windows clipboard (e.g., highlight text in an email and press ctrl-c or right-click then click copy).
- Click Clipboard then click Import.
- If needed, change the Starting sequence, Sequence increment and Type of note.
Hint! If you import sentences that are meant to stay together, consider changing the increment to 1 so that other lines of notes can't be added between the imported lines. - Click OK. The text from the clipboard is added as note lines.
- Click Exit to close the notes window.
Export Notes to the Windows Clipboard
- Click Notes.
- If notes are for an inventory item or customer, select the category of notes to copy.
- Click Clipboard then Export.
- Enter the Starting sequence and Ending sequence you want copied to the clipboard and click OK. The notes you selected can be pasted (press ctrl-v or right-click then click copy) anywhere -- into an email, for example.
- Click Exit to close the notes window.