Qantel's Mobile App Puts Business-Critical Info in the Palm of Your Hand!
Qantel Technologies Inc. recently announced a mobile app for iPhone and iPads and Android phones and tablets. With Qantel's mobile app, you can:
Run PowerShift reports to display or send as email
Run PowerShift inquiries (e.g., Executive Information summaries, GL Activity, Customer Service)
Receive and approve requests from the PowerShift Approvals subsystem
Execute Report Generator reports on demand
This article shows you how to set up and run PowerShift reports and inquiries. Check out Reports Go Mobile! for information about Report Generator reports on the mobile app. We'll look at processing approvals via the mobile app in a future article.
You can run PowerShift programs that prompt for input, too! Sequence 50 in the top image is the fifth item on the app menu shown in the second image. Tapping Show A Customer's Open Orders runs Customer Service Inquiry (CSI) saved with options to exclude closed orders.
Here's what it looks like on an iPad:
If your company is interested in a beta test version of Qantel's mobile app, let us know! Contact the Qantel Helpdesk or call us at 630.300.6999.