Qantel Product Resources

Challenge the PowerShift Team to Improve Your Process

Learning about your business processes – and how they can be streamlined – helps drive PowerShift development. As we address specific customer issues, we strive to provide solutions from which everybody can benefit. Our Drop File Technology that automatically processes external text files is a great example of how our team addressed one customer's bottleneck process. Our solution yielded big enhancements for PowerShift, including:

  • Automated receipt of EDI sales orders
  • Automated sending of EDI purchase orders
  • Automated bill of material updates from an external application
  • Automated import of carrier information like freight costs and tracking numbers
  • Automated mass changes to master files via the XML Export-Import process 

If a business process is causing you trouble, tell us about it and we can help you implement a new process. All we ask is that you are open to change and willing to describe the process before and after the change was implemented. On the flipside, you there’s a PowerShift feature you find really useful, we'd like to hear about it. No company is unique (although it sure seems like it sometimes!) and there's a good chance another user could benefit from your experience. We encourage you to share things so that everyone can take advantage of what PowerShift has to offer. Email .