Display Projected Inventory

The Projected Inventory Inquiry (IPVQ) displays projected inventory using planning functions, calculating inventory values and quantities for a specified number of periods based on a planning profile. The program combines supply and demand information displayed by the Planning Profile Inquiry (MRD) and inventory values reported in the Projected Value Report (IPVR).

The program displays:

Values are rounded to whole dollars for readability.

Field Name



A system-assigned sequence number for the display period

Start date

The first day of the period

Beg balance

Projected balance on the first day of the period; the period 1 beginning balance is the quantity on hand plus floor stock

Planned orders

Quantity/value of planned orders during the period

Purchase orders

Quantity/value of purchase orders during the period

Mfg orders

Quantity/value of manufacturing orders during the period

Other supply

Quantity/value of other supply during the period


Quantity/value of inventory committed to sales orders during the period


Quantity/value of inventory forecast during the period

Safety stock

Quantity/value of safety stock inventory during the period

Other demand

Quantity/value of other demand during the period

Net activity

Sum of supply and demand during the period; a negative number indicates that demand exceeds supply

Ending balance

Projected balance on the last day of the period

Ending date

The last day of the period

  1. Choose the appropriate options:


Do This

Review your options for this program

Click Prog opts. See step 2.

Print the listing

Click Print.

Toggle between showing values and quantities

Click Value/qty.

A Program option controls which is displayed when you first run the program.

Display demand detail for a period

Highlight a line and click Demand. See Display Projected Demand. Click OK to return to this program.

Display supply detail for a period

Highlight a line and click Supply. See Display Projected Supply. Click OK to return to this program.

Exit the program

Click Exit.

  1. Review your options:

    1. Click the Runtime tab to set runtime options.

    2. Click the Selection tab to select specific records.

    3. Click the Program tab to set these program specific options:

Field Name

Type / Max Length

Action / Description

Enter planning period


Select the planning period you want to display. Use Planning Period Codes Maintenance (MDM) to set up planning periods.

Include items excluded from plan?


Select to include items that are excluded from planning (those items for which Exclude from plan? is selected in Branch Item Maintenance).

Number of periods


Enter the number of periods you want to see; up to 48 periods can be displayed.

Display quantities or values


Select whether quantities or values (calculated using standard costs) are displayed when you first run the program; use the Value/qty button to switch between them.

Exclude safety stock from net activity?


Select to exclude safety stock from the net activity calculation.

    1. Click the Program2 tab to set this program specific option:

Field Name

Type / Max Length

Action / Description

Exclude item status


Select the item status code(s) you want to exclude.

    1. Click Save to save these options for future use.

    2. Click Refresh to redisplay current options.

    3. Click OK to apply these options or click Cancel to exit the program without applying.