Multiple Security Categories
PowerShift 4.10 enables you to assign multiple user categories (created and maintained in User Category Maintenance - XUC) to User IDs to simplify the assignment of program restrictions.
For example, you might set up one category for inquiries that are used across functional areas, and then create a separate category for maintenance programs within a function or department. Then in User Maintenance (UIM), you could assign one user inquiries and AR maintenance programs, assign another user inquiries and AP maintenance programs, and set up the accounting manager's ID to have access to for inquiries as well as AR and AP maintenance programs.
In User Maintenance (UIM), the Categories button lists program categories; selecting a category assigns it to the user ID being maintained. When a user ID is copied, categories are copied as well as individual program restrictions; when a user ID is changed, category records are updated to the new ID.
User Category Inquiry (USCPQ) idisplays the programs associated with a category.